Home Forums Trenchless Posting Need vac Re: Need vac



1999 International model 2674, cat engine L6-10.31, Alison automatic. New tires, truck will go anywhere. Vacuum austen 1999 vactor Model 2112, has a10 yard debris body. 1200 gallons of fresh water. 4800 cfm, 8″ vacuum, we reduce to 2 4’s. Has a Roots blower model 2110-44. Type R-C-S-V-H. Last job pulled pea gravel 200′ away from truck with a40′ rise. Paid $75,000. $55,000 firm, ready to go. Reason for selling couldn’t find trustWorthy driver. We put a diesel power washing pump for pot holing utilities and excavation. Call 314.614.8385. Mike