Looking for a part full time locater position

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Home Forums Trenchless Posting Looking for a part full time locater position

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  • #26524


    Have 20yrs as a locater I’m 52 don’t need the broke down don’t pay excuses ..if you can’t locate don’t bother this is simple you need a locater want a east for the money day I can help until you fund what you want…make life easy on you and I am a easy guy to get along with…as for a license I don’t worry about cops ..so again have one as for drug test ..Every thing in this business was torn up or messed up by some idiot who wasn’t on dope…so again don’t ask means don’t call..have a great day a easy day I know the mini requires a Mexican degree but I’ll figure it out…I’m white after all
    314. (666] I mean 665 7115

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