John Tamburino

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What Services Does Offer?

By John Tamburino / September 20, 2021 / Comments Off on What Services Does Offer?

NoDig acts as one of the worlds largest, most reputable platforms for the trenchless industry. Trenchless businesses nationwide continue to reply on the NoDig Trenchless Information Centre, TLC, to establish, grow and maintain a successful company. The TLC has been operating since 1996, serving contactors, municipalities and installers, enabling them to put their best foot…

How Do I Generate More Trenchless Leads?

By John Tamburino / September 5, 2021 / Comments Off on How Do I Generate More Trenchless Leads?

Generating trenchless leads is crucial when owning and operating a successful business. While trenchless options haven’t always been available, spreading awareness that this innovative, lucrative technology exists should be priority to ensure the business holds a healthy roster of clients. For businesses that offer trenchless services, many steps can be taken to effectively produce new…

Advantages of Trenchless Sewer Repair vs. Replacement

By John Tamburino / August 20, 2021 / Comments Off on Advantages of Trenchless Sewer Repair vs. Replacement

Trenchless sewer repair is an affordable, innovative option that boasts countless advantages, leaving traditional repairs and replacements in the past. Over the last few decades, trenchless sewer repairs have developed into a celebrated and reputable operation that has changed and advanced the way plumbing infrastructure is restored for homeowners, municipalities and more. Lining sewer pipes…

What are the Benefits of LED and UV Lining for Pipes?

By John Tamburino / August 12, 2021 / Comments Off on What are the Benefits of LED and UV Lining for Pipes?

As the trenchless industry continues to evolve, LED and UV lining for pipes is becoming a common choice for many as it provides the CIPP sector with innovative technology using specially designed low voltage cold source LED UV pipe lights and higher strength pre-impregnated glass fiber pipe-liners, for small diameter, pipe infrastructure repairs. Premium suppliers,…

Is there an Epoxy Shortage?

By John Tamburino / July 20, 2021 / Comments Off on Is there an Epoxy Shortage?

The trenchless industry is suffering the consequences as supply shortages of epoxy, polyester and vinyl ester resins continue. The shortages have wreaked havoc on many sectors and have been caused by various factors including U.S. winter storms. According to Gardner Intelligence chief economist, Michael Guckes, in his latest Composites Fabricating Index column, supply chain difficulties continue to restrict…

What does it mean to be a NoDig Verified Installer?

By John Tamburino / July 5, 2021 / Comments Off on What does it mean to be a NoDig Verified Installer?

The Trenchless Information Center, the foremost authority with all services related to the Trenchless industry. Since 1996, TIC better known as has been serving contractors, installers, municipalities, and individuals looking to learn more about no dig pipe rehabilitation and underground boring. TIC is constantly leading the way with trenchless installation techniques and solutions that…

How do I build my trenchless brand online?

By John Tamburino / June 20, 2021 / Comments Off on How do I build my trenchless brand online?

While the trenchless sector in the plumbing world is in demand, growing quickly and substantially with its ability to save time and money, without online marketing, the target audience is going to be hard to reach. Online marketing is essential for any business especially those that have been recently established. For those that are going…

Does Trenchless Pipe Lining Work

By John Tamburino / June 5, 2021 / Comments Off on Does Trenchless Pipe Lining Work

Trenchless pipe lining has brought a new, affordable, innovative option to the plumbing sector, leaving traditional repairs in the past. Over the last few decades, trenchless pipe lining has been established into a world-renowned operation that has changed the way plumbing infrastructure if mended for homeowners, municipalities and more. In 1971, Englishman Eric Wood invented…

How Do I advertise My Company on

By John Tamburino / May 20, 2021 / Comments Off on How Do I advertise My Company on

Showcasing your company, new product or anything pertaining to the trenchless plumbing world, can successfully be done through and their Trenchless Information Centre, TIC. For all professionals in the field, properly advertising your product or business is a vital component to success. The TIC boasts over 3,000 opt-in email subscribers and over 1,500 daily…

CIPP Growth And Projected Success

By John Tamburino / May 7, 2021 / Comments Off on CIPP Growth And Projected Success

After decades of leading the plumbing industry with its low costs and efficiency, the cured in place pipe, CIPP, market is expected to reach an all-time high between 2021 and 2026. This spike will be substantial and should come as no surprise as this innovative technology continues to dominate the plumbing sector. As 2021 kicked…

What is the best pipe inspection equipment for my drain business?

By John Tamburino / April 20, 2021 / Comments Off on What is the best pipe inspection equipment for my drain business?

When running a professional, reputable plumbing business and achieving a vast roster of clientele, being equipped with the best pipe inspection equipment is crucial in getting many jobs done quickly and efficiently. Push Sewer Camera and Video Systems Used to detect a blockage but are also commonly used for non-plumbing issues such as home inspections.…

What Should I consider for Manhole Rehabilitation?

By John Tamburino / April 5, 2021 / Comments Off on What Should I consider for Manhole Rehabilitation?

When it comes time to repair manhole damage, choosing the right approach for the job is vital for constructing a manhole that will last for many years to come. INSPECTION An inspector should always inspect the manhole before any repair is done. Methods may include a camera, video or light detection or ranging assessment. A…