Looking for work, 8 years experience, my work ethic will impress, guaranteed!

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Home Forums HDD Posting Looking for work, 8 years experience, my work ethic will impress, guaranteed!

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    8 years underground experience. Mainly fiber optic installation. Did 3 miles of 4” gas, but besides that one specific job, all fiber. I can read prints, set up job from white line to red line. efficiently run a crew(have been doing so approximately 4 years now). I do have guys to help fill other positions if needed as well.
    Can run ditch witch and Vermeer drills from jt5/10×13-Jt30/40×55. I’m not just a lever puller, I can determine ground conditions, maintain the drill, and can work on vermeer drills as good as anyone.
    I prefer Vermeer.
    I can locate overhead, subsite or dci. I’ve done plenty of congested city work, and plenty of wide open country road type of work as well.
    I can locate existing utilities.
    I can run Vermeer 750x and 1250x plows, can plow conduit or bare fiber.
    I can run excavators of all sizes, from setting handholds, tie ins, spotting utilities, have no problems with restoration.
    I believe hard work is the better than any skill set
    My initiative, and work ethic will impress, guaranteed!
    I’m very teachable, and easy to work with.
    I’m willing to learn anything that I don’t know and plan to get better at the things I do know.
    I have a valid Drivers license
    I’m from south Mississippi, but am used to traveling for up to 5 weeks at a time.
    I have 4 kids, I need consistent work.
    Last week got shut down for the winter in Minnesota.
    I have been paid hourly/daily/ and production.
    2 of the last 3 years I have been production for the most part..
    But I’m open to and appreciate any opportunities!
    Thanks in advance. I’m looking forward to hearing what’s out there. 6016703921 that’s my contact, or follow up on this post and we will go from there!

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