Sealing Systems, Inc.


Sealing Systems, Inc.
Manhole Rehabilitation Systems
Sealing Systems, Inc. is an international manufacturer and distributor of quality products for sustaining and maintaining municipal water and sewer systems by preventing inflow and infiltration. Our product line includes: chimney seals, joint wraps, chemical grout, manhole adjustment rings (HDPE & Rubber Risers), and manhole inserts.
Established in 1995 we continue to lead the industry in quality products for sustaining and maintaining municipal sewer systems by preventing I & I. Our product line includes internal and external manhole/catch basin chimney seals, joint seals, manhole inserts, cementitious repair material and chemical grouts. Check us out to get the facts about how our products will not only save your community money but also gain effective wastewater capacity quickly and affordably.
Mission Statement
Sealing Systems is dedicated to maintain a leadership role in specialty products designed to prevent inflow/infiltration and erosion in manholes, catch basins and pipe joints. We desire to provide our customers with the highest quality and most advanced systems for both rehabilitation and new construction across the global market. By spreading our product knowledge and education to our manufacturers reps, cities, counties, consulting engineers and contractors, we remain confident these efforts will aid in the protection of our environment. Above all, we recognize the degree of our success is in direct proportion to the quality and dedication of our people.
Protecting your infrastructure from inflow and infiltration for over 20 years