The trenchless pipelining industry comes in several forms, but ultimately it is the process of renewing existing pipelines in a less disruptive method compared to traditional pipe replacement.
Here are our Top 4 Things to Know About the Trenchless Pipelining Market:
1) The need for trenchless rehabilitation is constantly growing
1) The need for trenchless rehabilitation is constantly growing
The nation’s pipeline infrastructure is in dire need of attention and the rate of rehabilitation / replacement is expected to rise for years to come. There are millions of miles of underground piping across the U.S. with millions more piping inside infrastructure. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has forecasted that the rate of replacement will rise until 2035.
2) Know your trenchless market and what pipelining method will compliment your business
The pipelining industry as a whole has many moving pieces and technologies. Depending on your market and opportunities in your area, you will want to incorporate pipelining technologies that compliment your business. If your company primarily serves the residential plumbing market, you may want to leverage small diameter pipelining equipment that can be used to fix lateral sewer pipes from the home to the main. On the other side, you may be focused on municipal manhole work that requires larger diameter solutions. In either situation, there are trenchless pipelining manufacturers that can offer the right technologies for your business. Whether you’re focused on the drain or pressurized side; large or small, the trenchless industry has lots to offer.
3) Find a trenchless supply company that gives ongoing support and training
The pipelining industry is constantly evolving which is why it is important to find the right pipelining manufacturing partner to support your business. There are often certified training classes both on site as well as in the classroom or online that is offered by trenchless pipelining supply companies. This will help you as business owners succeed, as well as your installers. Having a supplier you can rely on to not just supply product, but valuable insight on jobs and the market will help you close more deals, install more product and become more profitable.
4) Ask the right questions pertaining to the material and the pipelining installation techniques
Having the right approvals and certifications pertaining to the pipelining material you plan to use and the laws in your current state is valuable. Be sure to ask your pipelining manufacturer or supply company for information on this as they have years of experience handling these situations. When working on a project, the customer will often ask for proper documentation to make sure that the material you are installing meets code, so it is best to have this readily available.
No matter how big or small your project portfolio is, trenchless pipelining is a preferred solution by homeowners, property managers and municipalities. Being able to offer a fix for aging and damaged pipelines without digging and demolition will set you apart from the competition.
If you are considering entering the pipelining market, take some time to research out list of NoDig.com Premium Suppliers.

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