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IPP Solutions – leading supplier to the Plumbing community for CIPP repair or rehabilitation Manufacturing and supplier for trenchless technology. Specialized in (SIPP) Spray in place pipe lining systems. OUR STORY IPP Solutions, LLC was founded with the Plumber in mind. With the affordable solution of pipe coating technology that PipeCaster offers, every Plumber can…
Trenchless Rehabilitation Specialists At Back Municipal Consulting we are committed to providing you the education and training you need to inspect, identify potential problems, and determine the best solutions for your collection system. With our expertise and experience in the trenchless technology industry we can provide you with the right resources and solutions to help…
GET THE BEST TRANSACTION RESULTS WITH PROVEN M&A PROFESSIONALS. BUSINESS ACQUISITIONS & MERGER ASSOCIATES IS A MIDDLE-MARKET INTERMEDIARY FIRM LOCATED IN CHARLOTTE, NC BAMA represents companies that generate annual revenues between $5 million and $100 million. With a strong foothold in the Southeast, know that we’ve led transactions across the United States, in Canada and…
GET THE EQUIPMENT YOU NEED TODAY TO GROW REVENUE NOW Alpine Equipment Funding is a direct funding service specializing in the needs of the service & repair industry. We lease both new and used equipment to small and medium businesses nationwide. We are a family owned and operated direct lender and are proud to help…
Cash Flow Problems? Benchmark Factors has helped hundreds of companies who specialize in HDD be successful at maintaining and growing their business. Your invoices represent one of your most valuable business assets however, until they’re paid, they’re not contributing to cash flow. Even with great paying projects, you can’t continue to grow without good cash…
Trenchless- Consulting, Business Coaching and Training Pinnacle Trenchless Consulting is dedicated to helping businesses grow and educating municipalities in the CIPP & No-Dig industry. Solution-driven and client-focused experts in CIPP and Trenchless Rehab with over a decade of success in providing best in class services and solutions to clients at a market competitive price. Experience…
RAM Hydraulic Manufacturing – The Pipebursting Pioneer RAM Hydraulic Manufacturing is the leader in the development of hydraulic equipment for both Pipe Bursting Trenchless Technologies and the Post Tensioning industry. Our founder was a pioneer, perfecting Hydraulic RAM machines. Over 50 years ago, Clyde Crowder understood the future of both the trenchless pipe bursting and…
Hathorn manufactures push sewer camera systems that are Municipal Grade, proudly designed and manufactured in North America, priced within reach of every plumber and municipality. In 2003, two partners with a passion for machine quality incorporated Hathorn as a specialist company building camera heads for some of the biggest names in the industry. Hathorn still…
Talent agents for top performing businesses from Start-up to Inc. 5000 To succeed you need the best headhunters armed with the best weapons finding you the best talent. Job boards and social networking may find you the people to interview, we find you the people you NEED to hire. Client Centric No two companies have…
ABOUT THE COMPANY One of our founders of Pipe Bursting Parts has been manufacturing pipe bursting equipment since 1999. We provide the finest quality in trenchless applications. We strive for best in class customer service. We are here to help plumbing companies make their jobs easier and faster. PIPE BURSTING AND HOW IT WORKS Pipe…
SauereisenThird-generation Manufacturer and Two-time Recipient of the Presidential “E Star” Award for Exporting Excellence We’ve come a long way since 1899, when C. Fred Sauereisen developed the first Sauereisen high-temperature adhesive cement that was used within practically every automobile manufactured in the US (and is still popular for high temperature adhesive applications). Today, our product…
Sealing Systems, Inc. Manhole Rehabilitation Systems Sealing Systems, Inc. is an international manufacturer and distributor of quality products for sustaining and maintaining municipal water and sewer systems by preventing inflow and infiltration. Our product line includes: chimney seals, joint wraps, chemical grout, manhole adjustment rings (HDPE & Rubber Risers), and manhole inserts. Established in 1995…