Always prepare your pipes for spring. This may not be a common item on every homeowner’s to-do list but add it on as the warmer temperatures approach. Preparing your pipes for spring can eliminate the risk of cracks, leaks, and bursts.
As the spring slowly approaches, the inconsistent, fluctuating temperatures can often cause your pipes to expand warp and weaken.
So, before you tackle your list of things to do for spring, lets uncover how you can prepare your pipes for the big thaw.
Snow removal –
to prevent melted ice from leaching into your foundation, the perimeter of your home should always be clear and unrestricted from snow and ice. Homeowners should always have three to four feet from the home cleared.
Always examine –
inspect your pipes, valves and faucets and area around the pipe for moulds and leaks. Inspect further if damp or unusual stains are found.
Smell mold or mildew? –
If you smell it, moisture is likely finding its way into your home. Always check your foundation for damage and call a professional if unpleasant smells are present.
Drainpipes and gutters –
Always check them as they’re often the culprits for obstructing the thawing process. If your water pathways are bogged down with snow and ice, a leak is almost inevitable.
What way does your ground level slope? –
It is vital for your property to slope away from the home, encouraging water to flow in the opposite direction. If the ground slopes towards the house, consider regrading.
But wait, even more can be done to prepare your pipes for spring!
- Invest in backflow valves
- Clear your basement
- Ensure you have a good sump pump
- Have contact information for professionals on hand
- Ensure flooding is covered by insurance
Look No Further than NoDig.com
If a leak has occurred or any kind of water or moisture are finding their way into your home, a professional and solid advice can always be found at NoDig.com. Those looking to hire a NoDig professional can also have confidence that the job will be done right. Every contractor listed through this platform does the actual work themselves and work will not be subbed or sourced out.

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